
Coastal CMS

Published on Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Coastal CMS - 2019 Wrap Up

2019 Was a significant year for Coastal CMS.

2019 was a return to growth year for our company.  After a few years of heavy commitments to the USAF, we returned to our core business of finding and supporting new small business and non-profit clients.  There were many significant changes in the digital world significant to small business during 2019.  This resulted in an upgrade of our core content management system (CMS) and new services.  During the last quarter of 2019 we began deployment with existing clients and have plans to complete all client upgrades by the end of the first quarter of 2020.  We look forward to a great 2020, with new clients, new services, and continuing partnership successes.  

Looking forward to great things for Coastal CMS in 2020 - celebrating 13 years in the web design business!

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Author: John-Superuser


